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Fire Inspection Checklist

As a business owner or facility manager, having a fire inspection checklist can help ensure the safety and security of your property and personnel. Some of the items on your checklist may be handled internally, while others require a trained Fire Service Professional. Below is a list to be sure you are doing what's needed to mitigate the threat of fire damage. After you answer each item, hit "calculate" to receive a summary report of how well you’re doing.

  1. If your fire alarm isn't properly maintained, it's not going to work when you need it most. Is your fire alarm system being maintained as per ULC and Ontario Fire codes?
  2. Your fire sprinkler system is a very important line of defense in penetrating the spread of fire. Are you maintaining your fire sprinkler system according to NFPA 25 Ontario fire codes and in accordance with your insurance company's requirements?
  3. Unless you have only a small amount of storage in your facility, you may be privy to fire code regulations related to how much is being stored, where it's being stored (such as in basements or high-pile warehouses) and how it's being stored (such as in approved storage cabinets). Are your stored items being stored in accordance with the fire code?
  4. Fire extinguishers have to be inspected monthly and serviced as per NFPA 10. Similar to any piece of equipment, extinguishers need to be checked to ensure they are functional. They can lose pressure, show signs of corrosion and leak. Are your fire extinguishers being inspected on a consistent basis in accordance with NFPA 10?
  5. Diethyl ether, ethylene oxide, some light crude oils, lacquers, lacquer thinners and some paints are flammable and have special storage needs away from combustible liquids such as cooking oils, lubricating oils and motor oil. Are you safely storing flammables away from combustibles?
  6. Be sure you have a fire escape plan and that everyone in your building knows what it is and how to follow it. It should be plainly marked and posted. Exits — always left unlocked from the inside during working hours — should also be plainly marked, oftentimes with a lighted sign. Does your facility have an approved fire safety plan in place?
  7. If you do have an approved Fire Safety Plan in place, are you familiar with your evacuation process in the event of an emergency?
  8. If you do have an approved Fire Safety Plan in place, is the plan kept in an approved Fire Safety Plan Box?
  9. When a fire is small, a portable fire extinguisher can be very useful in extinguishing flames or keeping them from spreading. Are all your fire extinguishers mounted, accessible and visible?
  10. Are all employees and personnel trained on the proper use of your portable fire extinguisher[s]?
  11. Fire hydrants and connections should be highly visible and easy for your local fire department to find and use. Is the area around your hydrant free from debris and vegetation?
  12. It is very important to keep your fire inspection records handy so that you can easily produce them if they are requested. Can you quickly and easily provide the last 2 years of documentation?
  13. If dumpsters are located too close to a combustible wall, roof overhang, window or door, a fire inside of them can spread to a building. Is your dumpster located in a safe place?

At Rohen Fire, our entire inspection process is based on stringent applicable NFPA, ULC, Ontario Fire and Ontario Building Codes. We use hundreds of checklists to maintain a track record of excellence. If you need more information about this Fire Inspection Checklist, or if you have a question about fire protection safety, give us a call at 416-291-8127 or visit our blog. Your Safety is our Business.



Fire Safety requires diligence, prevention and maintenance in many aspects of property management. It's an ongoing process and there's always room for improvement to ensure the safety of your property and its residents or staff.

Based on your answers to the Fire Inspection Checklist, below is a summary of the areas of fire safety that:

  • you seem to have a handle on. Congrats!
  • you still need to improve upon to ensure the safety of your building and its occupants
  • you have questions or doubts about, and you may want to consult with a fire protection service provider to address these fire hazards.

What You're Doing Right

You're working towards the fire and life safety of your building and its occupants in the following areas. Keep up the good work!:

What Needs Some Work

These are the areas of fire safety that you have identified as needing improvement.
You may want to seek the advice and guidance of a fire protection service professional:

What Areas of Fire Safety You're Unsure About

These are the areas of fire and life safety, you may want to take a closer at, and you may want to consider consulting with a fire protection service professional for his guidance and expertise in putting a plan in place for you.:

Being proactive is the key to fire prevention!

Fill in your information here and one of our representatives will contact you shortly to discuss your fire safety options