Why Do We Care About Infographics?
Because fire safety is about dense technical details and legal compliance, it's challenging to break it down into manageable bites of information, and infographics are a great tool for doing that.
Obviously you can't put everything into an infographic, but they can provide a summary of important points which allow you to understand something enough so that you will be motivated to:
Here are a few infographics I found that could be useful to the Greater Toronto Area business and property owners, property managers and municipal offices which Rohen serves.
Canada-Specific Senior Care Fire Facts and Fire Safety Plans
Stumbling upon Senior Care Canada's infographics felt like a major score. One of the reasons I like these easy-to-read printable pdf infographics from Senior Care Canada is that they are specific to Canada and they are specifically relevant to nursing homes.
One example of that is their Fire Facts infographic which outlines a different timeline from fire to fire department arrival in a nursing home. In a nursing home, the person who discovers a fire or is alerted by an alarm may have mobility restrictions which could not only slow down their escape but could also slow down the time to notify 911 and alert other residents. That is an important difference that must be factored into your fire safety planning.
Nursing homes in Ontario are subject to a recent fire sprinkler requirement which we've covered before. But sprinkler installation isn't the only fire safety obligation for Ontario nursing homes. Other safety requirements designed to make nursing homes more safety-conscious and better prepared to handle fires include having a solid and updated fire safety plan with adequate staff training.
Senior Care's Fire Plans infographic takes a complicated requirement and breaks it down into ten straightforward steps that anyone can understand. These are great to print and hang on the wall of your nursing home's administrative offices, or you can contact them to order a poster-sized version.
Download them directly from Senior Care Canada's website.
Electrical Fire Safety
A company called Leviton offers a beautiful infographic on Electrical Fire Safety. Unfortunately (for us), the statistics they use are U.S.-specific and the infographic is targeted to single family home structures (while we typically serve businesses, municipal clients and managers of multi-unit residential structures).
That being said, the main lessons regarding electrical fire safety can be easily applied to any building with electricity and are quite useful. This is one you should consider downloading, sharing and benchmarking for future reference. This would also be something to make available to your building's residents as an educational tool. Here's a clipped screenshot of the top portion; access and download the entire infographic here.
More Electical Fire Safety for Fire Prevention Week
The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) offers a downloadable infographic with information for Fire Prevention Week (a public safety endeavour headed by the National Fire Prevention Association). The theme of the 2014 Fire Prevention Week was "Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month," so it includes information unique from that of the Leviton infographic on electrical fire hazards. Get your copy here.
From the National Fire Protection Association
Naturally, as the industry leader, the NFPA offers many useful infographics on fire safety, here are links to a few of their infographics that I like:
- The Total Cost of Fire (this is an issue we've given a lot of attention to in recent blogs)
- Smoke Alarm Safety Information & Statistics
- Cooking Safety
A Simplified Overview of Some Typical Ways to Fail a Fire Inspection
Finally, here's one I found from a California-based company called Emergency Lights Co.: "10 Ways to Easily Fail Your Building's Fire Inspection." Though they don't provide any references and it's not as polished as some of the other infographics, it's fun and makes 10 generically accurate points which could be useful to building owners, business owners and property managers.
The main thing to remember is that this infographic is not intended to be comprehensive, and you should always speak with someone versed in fire code for your local area.
10 Ways to Easily Fail Your Building Fire Inspection Infographics Created By Emergency Lights Co.
That's it for our short list of fire safety infographics that are most likely to be helpful to our audience of business and property owners, property managers and municipalities.
Do you know of another share-worthy fire safety infographic that we missed? Let us know in the comments!
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